Library at N.M.S.S. Vellaichamy Nadar College
About Us
N.M.S.S.Vellaichamy Nadar College Library was started in August 1965. Initially it was housed in the office and in 1973 new building was constructed and declared open by the Honorable Minister S.Mohan Kumara Mangalam, the Central Minister for steel and mines under the Presidentship of Shri. P.R.Muthusamy Nadar the President of college managing Board. The library has been provided with sufficient reading area. Books are kept in spacious and nice looking racks. Reference and competitive exam books are kept in specially designed book shelves for students’ convenience. Now, the library has more than 72800 books. Open Access system is being followed. Bar coding is used for borrowing library books. Department libraries are also attached in departments.
Library Building: 10,562sq.ftWorking Hours: 7.00 am-10.00pm on all working days

Knowledge Resources:
S.No | Resource | Nos |
1 | Books | 72800 |
2 | Periodicals (Journals and Magazines) | 32 |
3 | Dailies | 8 |
Special Collecions:
1 | CDS | 356 |
2 | Manuscript | 1 |
3 | Rare Books | 271 |
4 | Rare Articles-Pottery Pieces | |
5 | Gratis Items | 2000 |
Electronic Resources | NLIST | |
Access through UGC’S INFLIBNET NLIST |
Books are classified by Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). Books classified by DDC and arranged in the racks by subject wise manner. Display boards are also posted in each & every rack for finding their location.
a) OPAC(Online Public Access Catalogue):Used to find the availability as well as location of a document. b) Pamphlet: Covers important information about the library. c) Binding: Slightly damaged books which can be used further are given to binding as a part of preserving our valuable books. d) Question Bank: Previous years question papers are kept for reference. e) Bar-coding: Bar-coding is used for charging and discharging books. f) Lending Service:
UG | 4 | 15 DAYS |
PG | 5 | 15 DAYS |
M.Phil | 6 | 15 DAYS |
PhD | 6 | 15 DAYS |
STAFFS | 30 | One semester |
Library Staff

Dr. T.S.Seethalakshmi
S.No | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. S.Vijayakumar | Assistant librarian |
2 | Mr. S.Sivasaravanan | Junior Assistant |
3 | Mrs. S.Gnanamalar | Library Assistant |
4 | Mr. G. Rameshkumar | Library Assistant |
5 | Mr. S.Suresh | Library Assistant |
5 | Mrs. R.VijayaDurga | Library Assistant |
5 | Mr. M.Selvaraj | Library Assistant |
5 | Mr. A.Anishkumar | Library Assistant |
Department Libraries:Most of the departments are having department libraries.
S.No | E-Resources | View |
1 | E-Books and E-Journals | |
We will excel in collecting, preserving and providing access to the best educational resources, providing various services and creating a welcoming and comfortable physical environment.
The library provides huge collection of knowledge resources and innovative services to stimulate creativity facilitate learning and research among student community.
Library Features & Services
- ● Open Access System : Provides direct access to books on the shelves
- ● OPAC : Online Public Access Catalogue for searching library recourses
- ● Power Backup: ZENELEC 20KVA ONLINE UPS(3:1)
- ● User Account ID : Personal accounts offer an overview of library activities including borrowed books, due dates and visit history
- ● Pamphlet : A brief introduction to the library and a guide for new users
- ● Classification : Books are arranged by DDC order
- ● Barcode Technology: Facilitates Quick Transactions at the library counter.
- ● Question Bank : A collection of past exam question papers
- ● Seating Facilities : The Reading Room accommodates 200 users
- ● Educational Channel: 32 free DTH channels available under the Swayam Prabha initiative
- ● Internet Browsing facility: 36 systems are allotted for Browsing
Other services:
- ● Educational Channel: 32 free DTH channels available under the Swayam Prabha initiative
- ● Internet Browsing facility: 36 systems are allotted for Browsing
Safety and Security Measures
1. SINGLE ENTRY: Single Entry and Exit passage
2. DIGITAL GATE ENTRY: E-gate monitoring system to ensure proper use of the library
3. ISSUE & RETURN OF RESOURCES: Issue and return of resources is managed through barcode technology at the transaction Counter
The college library is kept open from 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. on all working days. It functions during vacation also.
- 1. Every effort must be made to minimize noise and disturbance in, and immediately outside the library.
- 2. ID card is mandatory for gate entry and book issue and return.
- 3. Personal belongings should be left at the property counter of the library.
- 4. Mobile phones should not be used inside the library.
- 5. Library computers must strictly used for academic purpose only.
- 6. All UG Students will be given 6 tokens, PG Students 7 tokens, M.Phil. Students 8 tokens and Ph.D. Students 9 tokens.
- 7. Staff members can borrow up to 30 books.
- 8. Books are usually lent for a period of 15 days. The book should be returned within due date, A fine of Rs.1 will be charged after due date.
- 9. Library users should not damage, write or make any mark on books or any belongings of the library. If a user damages a book he/she must give a new book or penalty.
- 10. Reference books will be lent only on the end of weekend and must be submit on next working day.
- 11. If a book is lost, the borrower must supply a new copy of the book to the library / 3 times of its cost of the book.
- 12. Staff and students should return all the books borrowed from the library one week before the last working day of the academic year.
- 13. At the time of borrowing, the users should examine the book and report it to the librarian about the damage found therein. Otherwise the borrower is responsible for the damage.
- 14. Theft, vandalism and destruction of the library books, journals and related materials are considered serious offences and those who cause such offences will be deal seriously.
Library Week Celebrations
Year | Duration |
2018-2019 | 13.03.2019 - 19.03.2019 |
2019-2020 | 19.02.2020 – 25.02.2020 |
2020-2021 | 14.11.2021- 20.11.2021 |
2022- 2023 | 01.03.2023- 07.03.2023 |
2023-2024 | 13.03.2024 – 19.03.2024 |
2024-2025 | 19.09.2024 - 25.09.2024 |
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ICT in Library Services:
Library Administration is fully automated by adopting the ICT information and Communication Technology.
1. Library Management Software :Peace software
2. Inter Browsing:Internet centre with 36 systems
3. ONLINE SEARCH: To facilitate online search the Library sources and Data search.
4. NETWORKING: Networking with 6 systems for different functions like E-Gate, acquisition, circulation, searching, serial control and retrieving
5. WEBOPAC :Library resources shared by all Departments through WEBOPAC
6.INTERNET:Free Internet access from 7 a.m. to only subject related free Internet access for UG Students per year for Document search E-Journals, E-Books & database access via N-LIST – INFLIBNET (“National Library and Information services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content”. The programme is funded by the MHRD to extend access to selected e-resources under UGC.)
Best and Inovative Practices
Ø Various competitions are being conducted to promote reading habits.
Ø Library week is being celebrated every year to create awareness about library usage.
Ø Study circle is being conducted at a regular periodicity. Hot topics will be given for discussion to the participants.
Ø Every year ‘Top users award’ will be given to top 20 users
Ø Feedback is welcomed from users.
Ø Best speaker award will be given to the Best speaker of study circle for each and every session.
Ø Arranging Library visits for Part V students. Students visited M.K. University library and Madurai District Central Library and Kalaignar Centenary library.
VIRTUES’ CLUB: (Reader’s Club)
Interested students can be enrolled in this club. The members are publishing magazine entitled ‘MaanavarIthal’ every year which covers important information of various disciplines.
Plagiarism Checking Software:
Our College is equipped with plagiarism checker software(Plagiarism CheckerX) to check the originality of research. Our college offers plagiarism checker software with free of cost to all the Researchers.
Previously plagiarism checking for our research scholars and faculty have been carried out in Madurai Kamaraj universitylibrary..
Sl.No |
E-Resources |
Link |
01 |
E-Books |
02 |
E-Journals |
E-Books through N-List
Sl.No |
E-Resources |
Link |
01 |
Cambridge Books online(1800 titles) |
02 |
E-brary (185000+ titles) |
03 |
EBSCoHost-Net Library (936 titles) |
04 |
Hindustan Book Agency (65 titles) |
05 |
Institute of south Asian Studies(ISEAS) Books (382 titles) |
06 |
Oxford Scholarship (1402+ titles) |
07 |
Springer eBooks (2300 titles) |
08 |
Sage Publication eBook (1000 titles) |
09 |
Taylor Francis eBooks (1800 titles) |
10 |
Myilibrary McGraw Hill (1124 titles) |
11 |
South Asia Archive (through NDL) |
12 |
World e-books library (Now available through NDL only) |
E-Journals (Full text) through N-List
Sl.No |
E-Resources |
Link |
01 |
American Institute of Physics (18 titles) |
02 |
Annual Reviews (33 titles) |
03 |
Indian Journals (180+ titles) |
04 |
Institute of Physics (46 titles) |
05 |
Oxford University Press (262 titles) |
06 |
JSTOR (2500 + titles) |
07 |
Royal Society of Chemistry (29 titles) |
08 |
EBSCO-Omni File Full Text Mega (3000+ titles)) |
09 |
Cambridge University Press (224 titles) |
Educational Support Websites
Sl.No |
Web Sites |
Link |
01 |
Khan Academy | |
02 |
Academic Earth | |
03 |
Coursera | |
04 |
EDX | |
05 |
Open2Study | |
06 |
Academic Journals | |
07 |
Code Academy | |
08 |
Youtube Educations | |
09 |
Book Boon | |
10 |
Share Book Free | |
11 |
Free Book | |
12 |
OBooko | |
13 |
Many Books | |